08 September 2024 | 05 Rabi al Awwal 1446
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Entretien de presse avec : Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Rageh Al-Otaibi | Directeur du Département de l'Information au Ministère des Awqaf et des Affaires Islamiques

05 January 2022

We welcome you, the Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, at the beginning of this meeting, and we would like you to present your CV
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Rajeh Al-Otaibi
Director of Media Department
PhD / Law, Politics and Islamic Affairs / Islamic Sciences

What are the main purposes for which the Media Department was established?
First: The main objectives of the administration:

1- Providing media advice to the concerned authorities in the ministry and informing the community of the ministry’s efforts and achievements through the various media.

2 - Advancement of religious media, read, audio and visual, and benefit from the capabilities, capabilities and media tools available inside and outside the ministry.

3- Awareness of Islamic concepts and values in all areas of life and work to pay attention to them, meet their needs and contribute to the formation of the affiliated citizen who is able to bear responsibility towards himself, his religion, his society and his environment, and give him the ability to protect and fortify himself and abide by his Islamic values and principles through targeted media production and media campaigns.

4- Supporting and developing interactive communication with all segments of society through production and various media, in a way that contributes to positive change and the formation of correct trends - from an Islamic civilized perspective, and investing all the current data to serve religious media issues.

 There are competencies that the Media Department specializes in. We kindly ask you to clarify them

Second: Functions of the administration: -

1- Preparing the implementation and programs of religious media campaigns that achieve the goals and strategies of the Ministry and enhance its religious, humanitarian and developmental activities in the community.
We welcome you, the Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, at the beginning of this meeting, and we would like you to present your CV
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Rajeh Al-Otaibi
Director of Media Department
PhD / Law, Politics and Islamic Affairs / Islamic Sciences

What are the main purposes for which the Media Department was established?
First: The main objectives of the administration:

1- Providing media advice to the concerned authorities in the ministry and informing the community of the ministry’s efforts and achievements through the various media.

2 - Advancement of religious media, read, audio and visual, and benefit from the capabilities, capabilities and media tools available inside and outside the ministry.

3- Awareness of Islamic concepts and values in all areas of life and work to pay attention to them, meet their needs and contribute to the formation of the affiliated citizen who is able to bear responsibility towards himself, his religion, his society and his environment, and give him the ability to protect and fortify himself and abide by his Islamic values and principles through targeted media production and media campaigns.

4- Supporting and developing interactive communication with all segments of society through production and various media, in a way that contributes to positive change and the formation of correct trends - from an Islamic civilized perspective, and investing all the current data to serve religious media issues.

 There are specializations for the media department, please kindly explain them

Second: Functions of the administration: -

1- Preparing the implementation and programs of religious media campaigns that achieve the goals and strategies of the Ministry and enhance its religious, humanitarian and developmental activities in the community.
2- Enlightening people in the media about the values, principles, virtuous behaviors and correct Islamic concepts that protect and preserve them against misconceptions and innovations that contradict Islamic morals.

3- Addressing phenomena and innovations that contradict Islamic rulings within the framework of a media approach, while adhering to Islamic constants in cooperation with other concerned authorities.

4- Conducting studies and opinion research to monitor, measure and evaluate the effects and results of media messages and campaigns, and follow up on what is broadcast and published in the media and on various issues raised on the local and international arena.

5- Supporting and developing effective interactive communication between the ministry and all segments of society through integrated media and organizing meetings and press conferences on all occasions held by the ministry in cooperation and coordination with all media outlets.

6- Strengthening relations and coordination with the media concerned authorities inside and outside Kuwait by exchanging data and information with them.

7- Coordinating with the concerned authorities in preparing, issuing and distributing literature and publications that express the opinion of the Ministry on issues raised on the local or international arena.

8- Marketing and distributing the department’s products in coordination with the concerned authorities in the ministry in accordance with the financial regulations and systems approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Audit Bureau.

9- Cooperating and coordinating with work units in the ministry whose uncle requires communication with the media.

10- Explanation of legal rulings in legal and religious issues on the scene and responding to suspicions circulating about faith, legislation, Islamic transactions and other rulings through the relevant media in coordination with the relevant sector.

Third: The internal divisions of the administration and its functions:

The Media Department consists of the following.
2- Enlightening people in the media about the values, principles, virtuous behaviors and correct Islamic concepts that protect and preserve them against misconceptions and innovations that contradict Islamic morals.

3- Addressing phenomena and innovations that contradict Islamic rulings within the framework of a media approach, while adhering to Islamic constants in cooperation with other concerned authorities.

4- Conducting studies and opinion research to monitor, measure and evaluate the effects and results of media messages and campaigns, and follow up on what is broadcast and published in the media and on various issues raised on the local and international arena.

5- Supporting and developing effective interactive communication between the ministry and all segments of society through integrated media and organizing meetings and press conferences on all occasions held by the ministry in cooperation and coordination with all media outlets.

6- Strengthening relations and coordination with the media concerned authorities inside and outside Kuwait by exchanging data and information with them.

7- Coordinating with the concerned authorities in preparing, issuing and distributing literature and publications that express the opinion of the Ministry on issues raised on the local or international arena.

8- Marketing and distributing the department’s products in coordination with the concerned authorities in the ministry in accordance with the financial regulations and systems approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Audit Bureau.

9- Cooperating and coordinating with work units in the ministry whose uncle requires communication with the media.

10- Explanation of legal rulings in legal and religious issues on the scene and responding to suspicions circulating about faith, legislation, Islamic transactions and other rulings through the relevant media in coordination with the relevant sector.

Third: The internal divisions of the administration and its functions:

The Media Department consists of the following.
1- Monitoring production and media coordination.

2- Monitoring studies and media marketing.

3- The Electronic Publishing Department, and it reports to the Director of the Department.

Monitoring production and media coordination are among the effective monitors in the administration. What are the competencies entrusted to it across its various departments?

1-: Media Production and Coordination Monitoring: It is concerned with the following:

1- Supervising the formulation of media messages and setting technical specifications regarding television and radio productions.

2 - Supervising the strengthening of relations with media professionals and media outlets to benefit from their capabilities in implementing messages and media campaigns.

3- Supervising the implementation of media campaigns about the efforts of the Ministry and publicizing its opinion on legal and religious issues.

The control consists of the following sections:

a. Media production department.

B. Media Coordination Section.

c. Department of Media.

A- Media Production Department: It specializes in the following:

In the field of preparation:

1- Editing and drafting media messages in all its forms and shapes.

2- Preparing scripts for radio and television drama production.

In the field of implementation:

1- Technical supervision of the implementation of television and radio production.

2- Determining the technical specifications related to agreements with the Ministry of Information or the private sector that regulate the use of technicians and producers regarding television and radio production.

3- Determining the technical specifications related to the technical equipment of the production process and following up their preservation and maintenance.

4- Carrying out a technical study of the radio and television texts submitted to the administration by the private sector and others, and assessing their suitability and suitability for television and radio production.

B- Media Coordination Section: It is concerned with the following:
1- Monitoring production and media coordination.

2- Monitoring studies and media marketing.

3- The Electronic Publishing Department, and it reports to the Director of the Department.

Monitoring production and media coordination are among the effective monitors in the administration. What are the competencies entrusted to it across its various departments?

1-: Media Production and Coordination Monitoring: It is concerned with the following:

1- Supervising the formulation of media messages and setting technical specifications regarding television and radio productions.

2 - Supervising the strengthening of relations with media professionals and media outlets to benefit from their capabilities in implementing messages and media campaigns.

3- Supervising the implementation of media campaigns about the efforts of the Ministry and publicizing its opinion on legal and religious issues.

The control consists of the following sections:

a. Media production department.

B. Media Coordination Section.

c. Department of Media.

A- Media Production Department: It specializes in the following:

In the field of preparation:

1- Editing and drafting media messages in all its forms and shapes.

2- Preparing scripts for radio and television drama production.

In the field of implementation:

1- Technical supervision of the implementation of television and radio production.

2- Determining the technical specifications related to agreements with the Ministry of Information or the private sector that regulate the use of technicians and producers regarding television and radio production.

3- Determining the technical specifications related to the technical equipment of the production process and following up their preservation and maintenance.

4- Carrying out a technical study of the radio and television texts submitted to the administration by the private sector and others, and assessing their suitability and suitability for television and radio production.

B- Media Coordination Section: It is concerned with the following:
1- Acting as a liaison between the work units in the administration and the various media bodies, and coordinating with them to ensure effective delivery of media messages.

2- Strengthening relations with media professionals and specialized scientific cadres to benefit from

Its capabilities in the preparation and implementation of plans and programs of messages and media campaigns and the performance of management tasks.

3- Strengthening relations with religious media centers locally and internationally and exchanging visits, experiences and information with them.

4- Preparing press materials in their various fields (news - investigation - poll - report - article..... and so on).

C- Media Department: It specializes in the following:

1- Preparing and implementing media campaigns aimed at informing about the efforts and policies of the Ministry, its objectives and plans, and the media coverage of its activities.

2- Coordinating and cooperating with all media outlets to serve the media goals of the ministry and organizing meetings and press conferences on all occasions held by the ministry.

3- Implementation of media plans concerned with expressing an opinion on legal and religious issues raised on the local and international arena and responding to suspicions circulating about faith, Islamic legislation, Islamic transactions and other rulings in cooperation with the concerned authorities.

Monitoring studies and media marketing is one of the distinguished observers in the administration. What are the specializations entrusted to it across its various departments?

2- Monitoring studies and media marketing: It is concerned with the following:

1- Supervising the preparation of media research and studies and measuring the effects and results of the media message on public opinion.

2- Supervising the implementation of marketing and distribution plans for television and radio production.

3- Supervising the follow-up of what is published and broadcast in the various media and preparing the appropriate clarifications about it.
1- Acting as a liaison between the work units in the administration and the various media bodies, and coordinating with them to ensure effective delivery of media messages.

2- Strengthening relations with media professionals and specialized scientific cadres to benefit from

Its capabilities in the preparation and implementation of plans and programs of messages and media campaigns and the performance of management tasks.

3- Strengthening relations with religious media centers locally and internationally and exchanging visits, experiences and information with them.

4- Preparing press materials in their various fields (news - investigation - poll - report - article..... and so on).

C- Media Department: It specializes in the following:

1- Preparing and implementing media campaigns aimed at informing about the efforts and policies of the Ministry, its objectives and plans, and the media coverage of its activities.

2- Coordinating and cooperating with all media outlets to serve the media goals of the ministry and organizing meetings and press conferences on all occasions held by the ministry.

3- Implementation of media plans concerned with expressing an opinion on legal and religious issues raised on the local and international arena and responding to suspicions circulating about faith, Islamic legislation, Islamic transactions and other rulings in cooperation with the concerned authorities.

Monitoring studies and media marketing is one of the distinguished observers in the administration. What are the specializations entrusted to it across its various departments?

2- Monitoring studies and media marketing: It is concerned with the following:

1- Supervising the preparation of media research and studies and measuring the effects and results of the media message on public opinion.

2- Supervising the implementation of marketing and distribution plans for television and radio production.

3- Supervising the follow-up of what is published and broadcast in the various media and preparing the appropriate clarifications about it.
The monitoring consists of the following sections:

A. Department of Media Studies and Research.

B. Department of Marketing and Media Distribution.

A. Preparation and follow-up section.

A. Department of Media Studies and Research:

1- Carrying out research work and media studies to address phenomena, innovations and issues on the ground by appropriate media in coordination with the relevant authorities.

Field studies and public opinion research to monitor the effects and results of information messages and to use them in the preparation of future plans and programmes.

Coordination and cooperation with government and private agencies in the field of research and media studies.

4- Preparing documentary notes and manuals for local, regional and global media studies and researches and taking advantage of the results and applications of these studies.

B- Department of Marketing and Media Distribution:

1- Develop and implement marketing plans and distribution of television and radio production to those wishing to produce and services in coordination with the relevant authorities.

Marketing of visual and audio production and computer tapes locally, regionally and Arably.

3- Preparing and supervising the electronic archive of visual and audio raw materials and media products.

4- Preparing the contract formulas for the equipment, directors, technicians, producers and the private sector in coordination with the Media Production Department and the ministry's stakeholders.

C- Preparation and follow-up section:

1- Preparing appropriate information plans on how the Ministry participates or expresses its opinion on issues on the domestic or international scene or the suspicions raised about Islamic faith or legislation in general.

2- Issuing the daily bulletin of what is written in local and international newspapers and magazines in the Ministry.
The monitoring consists of the following sections:

A. Department of Media Studies and Research.

B. Department of Marketing and Media Distribution.

A. Preparation and follow-up section.

A. Department of Media Studies and Research:

1- Carrying out research work and media studies to address phenomena, innovations and issues on the ground by appropriate media in coordination with the relevant authorities.

Field studies and public opinion research to monitor the effects and results of information messages and to use them in the preparation of future plans and programmes.

Coordination and cooperation with government and private agencies in the field of research and media studies.

4- Preparing documentary notes and manuals for local, regional and global media studies and researches and taking advantage of the results and applications of these studies.

B- Department of Marketing and Media Distribution:

1- Develop and implement marketing plans and distribution of television and radio production to those wishing to produce and services in coordination with the relevant authorities.

Marketing of visual and audio production and computer tapes locally, regionally and Arably.

3- Preparing and supervising the electronic archive of visual and audio raw materials and media products.

4- Preparing the contract formulas for the equipment, directors, technicians, producers and the private sector in coordination with the Media Production Department and the ministry's stakeholders.

C- Preparation and follow-up section:

1- Preparing appropriate information plans on how the Ministry participates or expresses its opinion on issues on the domestic or international scene or the suspicions raised about Islamic faith or legislation in general.

2- Issuing the daily bulletin of what is written in local and international newspapers and magazines in the Ministry.
3- Cooperating and coordinating with work units in the ministry whose work requires communication with the various media agencies.

4- Respond to complaints published in the press, in coordination with the concerned authorities.

5-Following up what is published or broadcast in the various media about the ministry's activities and services and preparing the appropriate clarifications regarding them in coordination with the concerned authorities in the ministry.

6- Monitoring and following up on what is broadcast and published in the various media on the issues raised on the local or international arena.

7- Coordinating with the concerned authorities in preparing, issuing and distributing literature and publications that express the Ministry's opinion on issues raised on the local or international arena.

8- Contribute to the development and development of human media capabilities in cooperation with the concerned authorities to serve Islamic issues.

3- The Electronic Publishing Section, which reports directly to the director of the department: It is concerned with the following:

1- Develop plans related to the management of the department's interactive websites.

2- Develop and implement plans for the production of electronic religious programs.

3- Supervising the production of Islamic electronic games of value.

4- Converting religious information materials into electronic programs.

5- Preparing and supervising the electronic archive of media works.

What are the distinguished media projects set up by the administration during the past years?

 Among the projects that have been implemented are the radio encyclopedia of jurisprudence, the value project to enhance worship (Nafais) concerned with strengthening the obligation of prayer, as well as the readable publication of the Ministry (Wahat Al-Awqaf magazine) and others, and other projects

Also, the projects being implemented in the current period are (10) video clips, (30) TV flashes, as well as (30) infographics.
3- Cooperating and coordinating with work units in the ministry whose work requires communication with the various media agencies.

4- Respond to complaints published in the press, in coordination with the concerned authorities.

5-Following up what is published or broadcast in the various media about the ministry's activities and services and preparing the appropriate clarifications regarding them in coordination with the concerned authorities in the ministry.

6- Monitoring and following up on what is broadcast and published in the various media on the issues raised on the local or international arena.

7- Coordinating with the concerned authorities in preparing, issuing and distributing literature and publications that express the Ministry's opinion on issues raised on the local or international arena.

8- Contribute to the development and development of human media capabilities in cooperation with the concerned authorities to serve Islamic issues.

3- The Electronic Publishing Section, which reports directly to the director of the department: It is concerned with the following:

1- Develop plans related to the management of the department's interactive websites.

2- Develop and implement plans for the production of electronic religious programs.

3- Supervising the production of Islamic electronic games of value.

4- Converting religious information materials into electronic programs.

5- Preparing and supervising the electronic archive of media works.

What are the distinguished media projects set up by the administration during the past years?

 Among the projects that have been implemented are the radio encyclopedia of jurisprudence, the value project to enhance worship (Nafais) concerned with strengthening the obligation of prayer, as well as the readable publication of the Ministry (Wahat Al-Awqaf magazine) and others, and other projects

Also, the projects being implemented in the current period are (10) video clips, (30) TV flashes, as well as (30) infographics.
Among the future projects that the administration aspires to implement in accordance with its strategic and operational plan in the next phase is a project to produce valued media campaigns for the ministry, as well as the production of documentaries and TV flashes, in addition to completing the journey of the value project to enhance worship (Nafais).

What is the media vision of the Media Department for the coming years?

Management's media vision

The department seeks to achieve the vision of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of being a global leader in Islamic work.

Are there obstacles facing the media department that prevent achieving its media vision?

management hurdles

The administration faces great obstacles and challenges like any active and effective administration as it is a central and comprehensive administration that provides media services to various departments, organizational units and sectors, and the most important of these obstacles is the lack of a specialized technical human component as well as financial coverage of projects in light of the financial deficit.

Do you have a final word you would like to mention at the end of the meeting?

We thank you for meeting, and we hope to meet you in other upcoming dialogues, God willing.

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